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Sunday, September 28, 2014

My Baby is Not Really A Baby Anymore

Evelyn turned 1 and she is now walking on her own. I'm so proud and so happy that she took that step. It is hard to believe that a year has gone by so fast, which only emphasizes the fact that I'm getting old(er). She is so smart and that is exactly why I need to be very careful with my choice of words and actions. She copies everything she sees and her learning curve at the moment is so exponential and drastic, it blows my mind. She is quite timid, pensive and generous. Those would be the three best words to describe her. It is such a fascinating process to watch and I really hope for all of my friends that they get to experience this with their own child. It has been physically draining, because of the lack of sleep. It has been an emotional roller coaster ride, because their frame of reference is so small that it's either silence or an alarming high pitched cry several times a day (and night!). I just stopped breastfeeding, so finally I feel like my body is mine all mine again and also I see her becoming more independent and more adventurous as a child should be. 
I can't wait to see and follow her growth. It is absolutely astonishing.

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